A message from Mark Carter,
Editor of TelescopeZone: I believe in donating to worthy causes,
as part of the obligation that those with some means have to
the less fortunate. Even if all you can afford is twenty dollars
per year, we here at TelescopeZone encourage you to find a way
to donate. My father, for example, always donated to the War Amps
of Canada. He said it was because they provided a key tag
service, which they do. But I knew better. Dad donated to support
the crippled veterans from WWII who were provided with prosthetics
through the War Amps of Canada. The War Amps have gone far beyond
that call and now help children injured by accidents, born with
infirmities and much more. In memory of my father, I have continued
to support the War Amps. And I encourage you to do so also.
If I may suggest two organizations
that perform modern miracles on our smallest and frailest, it
would be the Toronto Hospital
for Sick Children, and St.
Judes Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. I encourage
you to give generously.
Whether you wish to support
the environment, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence,
or the food bank and homeless shelter in your area, I emplore
you to open your hearts and your wallets.